We are so excited about the story about What You Can Do in The Nest, an online magazine for couples (check out the article on pg. 9).
There are many fun and easy ways couples can help save
the world in just a minute - check out the list and videos below and let us
know your ideas at www.facebook.com/whatyoucando!
1) Click to Give Whether
you're checking up on your fantasy football team or online shopping, check out www.greatergood.com and click to help issues such as
hunger, animal welfare and breast cancer prevention.
2) The Giving Season Celebrate the spirit of giving at your holiday
party - ask guests to bring canned goods to donate to a local food bank.
3) Turn Off the Tap Hold a contest to see who's better at remembering
to shut off the tap while brushing your teeth to conserve water. First one who
forgets has to buy a nice bottle of wine or dessert.
4) Online Buzz for Good Along with posting cute pics of your dog and/or
kids, use your social media power to raise awareness for a cause that inspires
your passion once per month.
5) Look for the Little Green Frog If it's your turn to grocery
shop, look for the Rainforest Alliance's "little green frog" symbol
on products such as chocolate and coffee to help preserve our rainforests.
6) Shop Local Also
at the grocery store or farmers market, choose local produce when possible to
reduce your carbon footprint (i.e. the emissions contributing to global
7) Protect the Night To keep
your home safer and help protect the darkness of night (which is crucial for
the environment and human/animal health), reduce inside lighting and choose
shielded or motion sensing exterior fixtures.
8) Ocean Love Download the Seafood
Watch app from the Monterey Bay Aquarium to help choose sustainable seafood
at your favorite restaurants.
9) Time to Unplug When heading out of
town for the weekend, unplug your electronics (make it easier by using power
strips) to reduce energy consumption and your power bill.
10) Start a Kindness Chain Get creative
with ideas to spread kindness in your community - cook a delicious meal for an
elderly neighbor or help a mom with her groceries at the store.
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