Sunday, August 1, 2010

An Interview with Alexis Henry, Surfrider Foundation's Communications Manager, Part 1

The Surfrider Foundation has provided “What You Can Do” with a wealth of information regarding ocean health, preservation and programs that people participate in to get involved. Recently, we also had the opportunity to interview Alex Henry, Surfrider Foundation’s Communication Manager. Please see Part 1 of our interview below.

The Surfrider Foundation's website seems to reference being a grassroots organization often. How has this helped Surfrider thrive as much as it has?

If it weren’t for our chapters and volunteers, we would not be the organization we are today. The Surfrider Foundation was founded by a handful of surfers 26 years ago, and the grassroots mentality that was in place then, is still here. Now, we have 73 Chapters in the United States and over 50,000 members, and our Chapters and volunteers who dedicate their time to protect our oceans, waves and beaches carry out the majority of our campaign work.

Do the ocean issues that each Surfrider chapter face vary greatly from place to place, or are the main issues the same?

Ocean issues that our Chapters face vary from place to place. However, all campaigns that our Chapters decide to take on fall into one of our four initiatives: Clean Water, Open Access, Beach Preservation, and the Protection of Waves and Nearshore Ecosystems (Special Places).

To learn more about how you can help our oceans, please visit -

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