I grew up riding horses and I found that being so close to these animals helped me focus. This concentration in turn helped me with my learning disabilities and my hyperactivity. There is something about being in the presence of an animal that is so big and powerful that requires your full attention. Riding horses allows you to connect on a very instinctual level; the horse picks up on your subtle movements and emotions. You can't be worried around a horse, or the horse responds. You can't be distracted on a horse, or the horse knows. You develop a strong sense of responsibility in caring for these animals and the equipment needed to ride them.
Being on a horse helps with coordination and muscle control. In addition to the physical benefits, riding can help encourage confidence, cooperation and self-esteem. Therapeutic horseback riding has been proven to help with autism, downs syndrome, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and the effects of traumatic brain injuries.
Between my love for these amazing animals and my desire to help people like Jonathan, I dedicated my one-minute activity today to help support Pal-o-Mine Equestrian by becoming a Carrot Club Member.
If you are interested in this type of therapy - consider helping Pal-o-Mine Equestrian.
Please feel free to share your horse stories with me. I'd love to hear them.
If you are interested in this type of therapy - consider helping Pal-o-Mine Equestrian.
Please feel free to share your horse stories with me. I'd love to hear them.
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