Now if you have met my sister, or read any of her blogs, you know that statements like this will kick off her ISD (impending sense of doom). Basically, if she hears something about the extinction of the human race, her face contorts to panic and she goes fetal. However, now that she has What You Can Do, she tells everyone about the issue, and starts making a difference.
So Jess started talking, and I started Freaking Out! Regardless if whether the greatest mind in the 20th century declared this statement or not, that's a pretty freaky statement. And these bees do some great work. Bees pollinate plants and not just our flowers. If you're eating something, it started with a bee. But it spreads much further. Chances are, if you're taking vitamins or minerals to help your skin, boost your immune system or helping to fight your cholesterol, it was probably fertilized by a bee.

So what can you do? Well, if you're like me, and planning on planting a flower and/or vegetable garden this year, make sure to avoid pesticides. Research plants that bloom in the spring, summer, and fall, so that you're providing bees with pollen in all seasons. Plant large sections of flowers close together and plant at least ten different varieties of flowers, as bees like diversity.
Let me know what you decide to plant or if you work with Honey Bees.
Thanks for reading - My sister thanks you and so do I!
We can learn from the bees way of lifeand their peaceful productivity