Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Lenten Proposition - The Click Sites

A Lenten Quest - Day 2: Click it!

We here at What You Can Do are big fans of the GreaterGood Network's click sites. In terms of the one-minute movement, there really isn't a better way to make a profound difference in a short amount of time.

We have produced videos on all of the click sites: The Hunger Site, The Breast Cancer Site, The Animal Rescue Site, The Child Health Site, The Literacy Site, and The Rainforest Site. In addition to these click sites, they also feature apps for iphones that allow you to Touch to Give.

We're also planning on producing a video for The Veterans' Site, the GreaterGood's newest click site that helps get meals into the hands of homeless and hungry veterans.

Writing this blog took longer than logging on to any one of these sites and clicking. In fact, clicking one site takes about five seconds (depending on your internet connection), so over here, we're in the habit of clicking all seven sites - and we can do it in under 60 seconds!

Just think, in sixty seconds, you can "give the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry," "help another woman in need get a free mammogram," "give the value of 0.6 bowls of food to a rescued animal," "help a homeless and hungry veteran get a free meal," "provide a child with livesaving health care," "help give a child in need a book to read and treasure," and "help protect 11.4 square feet of rainforest habitat for widlife."

Just think, if you can do some much in one minute, why wouldn't you start every day by clicking? Make it a habit - set your web page to load to one of these sites and click today!

Thanks guys - Alicia

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