Friday, March 8, 2013

Missy's Homestead: The Best of Intentions

I have always wanted to donate blood.  It is a pretty simple procedure and it seems like a great way to give back.  It doesn't cost you anything but a little bit of time and you are helping to fulfill a great need. The American Red Cross is always advertising that they need blood donors, and that you can make a difference in someone's life just by donating your blood to their cause.  My grandfather has been donating blood for as long as I can remember.  He did it for like, no joke, 50 years.  Now in his later life he cannot give blood because of the medication he is on, but it has always been his way of giving to charity.  I went a few times with him as a kid and it always fascinated me.

Even though I have always wanted to do this, I haven't really gone out of my way to fulfill this desire.  Life and errands just always seem to be in the way.  I have actively tried to give blood twice now and both times have come up empty.  The first time I tried to donate was early in high school.  Because I was under the age of 18 I had to be a certain weight and at the time I did not qualify.  The second time I tried to give blood was this last Wednesday.  I am staying in downtown Hartford, CT and at the capital they were having a blood drive.  I was walking the dog when I saw it.  I said to myself, "Why don't I go take the dog back and go give blood, I have time this morning before work."  I took the dog back home and ran back to the blood drive.  They were not yet ready to start so I sat around and waited.   Still enough time to donate, get ready for work and get to work on time.  They finally opened up and I filled out all the paperwork and was reading over the info.  Half way through I realized that I hadn't eaten any breakfast that morning and had only downed a cup of coffee.  They highly discourage giving blood on an empty stomach so I walked back up to the sign in and told them I would be right back.  I ran across the park and quickly ate a banana and some yogurt and downed some more water.  Okay still enough time to donate, get ready for work and get to work on time.  When I finally got back things had already started to back up and since I didn't have an appointment everyone there was ahead of me.  I waited an hour or so and by the time I was going to be called there wouldn't be time for me to give blood and get to work on time.  I had to politely tell them that I had to leave.  .

So this is my quest this month.  Give blood.  We will see how I do.  I have found several blood drives in and around the area where I am currently staying so hopefully I can get this done.  Wish me luck.

Okay more to come and until that time, Consumer More, Buy Less, Try to give Blood.


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